
By hazelh

Outlander outfits?

I wonder if these tourists spotted today in Dean Village today are fans of Outlander? They certainly stood out amongst everyone else in jeans/shorts, T shirts, and backpacks. [Update: Esper has kindly explained in a comment that this dress is fashionable in Japan. Thank you!]

This morning we said our goodbyes to Cousin TBay, then Mr hazelh dropped her off at the tram stop for the first part of her journey home. Meanwhile I walked to the gym for my Friday pilates class and a swim.

My main task of the afternoon was to finish The bookseller of Inverness in time for discussion at our book group meeting in Pitlochry tomorrow. Even though I drifted off to sleep a couple of times while reading, I made it to the last page. Afterwards I read a few Wikipedia entries about the Jacobites, including one about Mad Jack Hall

While hanging out the (seven loads of) washing today, Mr hazelh and I were shocked to find the dead bodies of two large frogs on the ground in our back garden. It looks like some other creature attacked them, but didn't fancy them as a meal. Could the assailant have been a cat?

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; pilates class; swim (30 lengths); walking (13,021 steps).

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