
By tridral

Bywyd y pentref

Bywyd y pentref ~ The life of the village

“Our errors are surely not such awfully solemn things. In a world where we are so certain to incur them in spite of all our caution, a certain lightness of heart seems healthier than this excessive nervousness on their behalf.”
― William James

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Rydw i wedi bod eisiau dangos pa mor agos yw'r eglwys i'r bywyd y pentref, ond mae'n anodd i mi dynnu ffotograff o'r eglwys a'r siopau gyda'n gilydd. Yn lle dyma ffotograff o Borth y Fynwent yn dangos y tafarn ar draws y ffordd. Rydw i'n gobeithio ei fod yn rhoi argraff o agosrwydd yr eglwys i'r pentref.

Mewn newyddion arall, mae fy hoff siop - 'Iechyd Da' - yn symud. Ym mis Awst maen nhw'n symud i fyny'r stryd i le fwyaf - yr hen siop optegydd. Mae'n edrych ddwywaith y maint. Mae'n swnio'n dda iawn i fi - mae'n rhaid bod y busnes yn gwneud da.

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I've wanted to show how close the church is to the life of the village, but it's difficult for me to photograph the church and the shops together. Instead here is a photograph from the cemetery gate, showing the pub across the road. I hope it gives an impression of the closeness of the church to the village.

In other news, my favourite shop - 'Iechyd Da' - is moving. In August they move up the street to a bigger place - the old optician's shop. It looks twice the size. It sounds very good to me - the business must be doing well.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Golygfa o'r tafarn o'r Borth y Fynwent
Description (English): A view of the pub from the Cemetery Gate

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