
By MumOf4Wildlings


What a fantastic day. 
I felt I struggled with park run this morning so wasn't looking forward to my timings.  But I smashed it. 2 minutes 27 secs faster than last week. So I am so happy with that. 

A quick shower and change into my walking clothes and off we went . We decided not to do the waterfall and decided to do a 10km walk instead.  What a brilliant time, filled with so much laughter.  We were chased by cows, and Lorraine was chased by a sheep. Gosh we nearly wet ourselves so many times from laughing.  

These ladies are the best. And it was just what was needed. 

I'm now on my way home to see the wildlings and see how their day has been. 

Over 20 000 steps today so I will sleep tonight.  

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