secret garden

By freespiral

Even the cat's....

... a history buff in this household. And no, she shouldn't be on the table.

We much enjoyed the opening ceremony of the Games, though we did have breaks in between, and were impressed with the massive organisation, scope and vision - all carried out with aplomb in awful conditions. Such a shame for it was a clear and pleasant evening here. I especially like the gigantic antique heads in the Seine, the water goddess galloping on her charger and the relay of flame carriers. I do hope the 100 year athlete in the wheelchair was swiftly wrapped up in a warm blanket though. And is that gigantic balloon still hanging there?. Celine Dion belted it out too.

A warm and pleasant day here - still 20C. A morning swim, a bit of pottering and now we're off to our local pub for supper with some friends. The first time we've actually eaten there which is a bit shameful. Catch up later. 

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