secret garden

By freespiral

In search of promontory forts

Not a bad day weather-wise and the tide being high early, we were in the water by 8.45am! Pretty bracing and a bit murky after all the rain. Later we lunched in the Heron Gallery with Finola and her sister before heading on down to Doneen to check out some promontory forts, one of Finola's interests, where there were three recorded on the historic maps. This one, to the right, is in a spectacular position and quite typical - a small neck of land leading out into wider isthmus* (love that word).  The second one we weren't sure about and the third led us down some very interesting lanes with some warm encounters. We were advised not to venture down to the fort which was now submerged in undergrowth , had suffered erosion and was surrounded by badger setts. We took their advice,
We're now watching some of the opening ceremony of the Olympics - Lady Gaga with a lot of pink pompoms. But we shall intersperse this with the new series on the Decameron, which is quite bonkers but has good frocks,
* I have just been reminded by Himself that the isthmus is actually the neck bit - damn, I think he's right too.

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