Just the Withers......

By JaneW

More wildflowers…

I only took a couple of random pictures of the wildflowers in Shottery … I keep trying different angles .
THANK YOU soooooo very much for all those messages and for the hearts for little Miss heart transplant… I’ve messaged her and told her , she’s sent some gobbledygook back as it’s tricky to hold the phone and type but the gist of it is a big thank you … I’m still marvelling in the fact surgeons and their staff are so clever , so so clever … I am in absolute awe . Obviously Marty is aware that in order for her to have a new heart someone else has died … she said the hospital is absolutely amazing but you are VERY aware that someone isn’t making it in another room … it’s all very sobering indeed when you think about it .
My penance for eating all the chocolate biscuits yesterday was I got stomach ache … that’ll teach me to steal from the sick. ;-))

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