Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Love Heart

After a bit of shopping in Bracknell I headed to Mill Park for a walk around the pond and a coffee. Sadly the café had already closed for the day, so I had to make do with a take-away coffee from the nearby McDonalds. Still it was hot and wet!

The park and pond is a bit of a hidden gem (along with South Hill Park) in Bracknell's busy and highly modernised town centre, and manages to attract a range of wildlife. I saw a Swan and signet (its mate seemed to be missing sadly), a heron, cormorant and a crested grebe family (or possibly 2 families) as well as the normal gulls, ducks and moorhens. I was hoping for some dragonflies, and saw some skimmers darting around out of reach and speed of the lens. however this pair of mating small red-eyed damselflies in a classic heart shape stayed around long enough for me to capture. 

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