Life through the lens...

By ValC


At last!
Two butterflies seen on the buddleia this morning.
First a Small Tortoise Shell which flew off before I could grab my camera.
However this Coma was more obliging and stayed put for a couple of minutes.

A beautiful summer’s day. 23C.
Too hot for me to sit on the swing seat and so sat in the shade. Reading yesterday’s Yorkshire Post weekend supplements.
Some very interesting articles this week.

One which caught my eye was about Jenny Twentyman , 28, development engineer at Drax Power Station which celebrates 50 years.
Interesting facts. The largest power station in the UK.
Powers 4 million homes.
Contributes £358M to the local economy
Supports 2,500 jobs, including 1,000 on site.
80% reduction in CO2 emissions - down 12 M tonnes annually- since switching from coal to biomass.
Hopes to be carbon negative by 2030
It’s now becoming a global energy company with offices in Houston, Texas and Tokyo.
Taking the technology they have developed making carbon capture using sustainable biomass a reality there too.
I think the landmark cooling towers will be there for a few years yet.

PS. This peacock butterfly has just landed on the hydrangea bush, ( the flowers look as if it needs watering.)

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