
By Veronica

Le festin continue

Yesterday evening we were invited by Sue's friends, who have rented the house opposite hers for the summer. There were about 20 of us, and they put on a fine spread including contributions from many of the guests (I made an orange tart, Ingrid an excellent German potato salad, neighbour C the most amazing raspberry mousse cake confection that looked as if it had come from a posh patisserie). We ate copiously, but drank modestly as it was so hot. Home well before midnight having taken precisely zero photos.

Despite both going for a swim to work some of it off (water: 27 degrees), we were barely hungry again by this lunchtime when the village social club served up Sunday lunch on the square. We thought we might need a doggy bag, but actually managed to polish off tomato salad, delicious couscous, and North African pastries to finish. We don't need any more to eat today. It wasn't as hot as predicted, but the shade of the plane trees was still appreciated. I managed one photo, so this is what you're getting!

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