
By ayearinthelife

Pink Cadillac

…or, at least, Vauxhall’s take on a 1950s Cadillac. This PA Cresta was looking absolutely immaculate in the afternoon sunshine at the Cumbria Steam Gathering today. We were planning on going yesterday, but persistent rain put paid to that plan. It might also explain why there weren’t as many steam engines in evidence as there were last year, as the ground was quite soggy underfoot and I saw one of the few steam engines that was there being towed off the show arena by a modern tractor - oh, the indignity!
There was still plenty to see but it was very hot under the sun and - as the gathering is held on the airfield at Flookburgh - very little in the way of shade. And we probably should have turned up earlier as everything was starting to wind down by the time we got there.
But at least we were outside, getting a bit of fresh air and exercise. Expensive fresh air and exercise granted, given the short time we were there and the cost of admission, ice creams and a bottle of water, however I’ll look on it as doing my bit to support a local event.
If we go again next year, I think we’ll try and get there on the Saturday in the hope of seeing more. But like all events taking place in the Lake District “summer”, it’s going to be very much dependent on what the weather will be doing then…

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