Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

A bit of a culture

A nice lie in.

I did some work in the morning on the training course I'm delivering on Tuesday and Wednesday.

I then set off for a day of culture, first up was the National Portrait Gallery near Trafalgar Square. I've never visited before, but it was fascinating and I spent about 2-3 hours in there. Well worth a visit. I think next time I will visit the National Gallery.

I made my way to Waterstones Piccadilly after that and shock of shocks, I did not buy any books. Lol!

Made my way back to the hotel, to freshen up before heading out for the evening. Whilst I have my tea, I was chatting to an elderly Caribbean lady. She was staying at the hotel, whilst her and her husband's flat was being renovated due to mould etc. It was quite a heartbreaking story.

And then I made my way to the Proms at the Royal Albert Hall. It was a tribute to American singer Sarah Vaughan, she sings jazz. But this was jazz big band style with a tune and singing, so it wasn't too bad. Lol!

An interesting and chilled out day.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  A lie in
2.  A fascinating wander around the National Portrait Gallery
3.  An interesting discussion over tea
4.  A lovely evening at the amazing Royal Albert Hall

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