
By biddy

Catching the light. 7.59 am.

In the garden.
Now having breakfast once more in glorious warm sunshine sitting at the big patio table under the large umbrella.
I’ve just had two juicy slices of water melon before having my porridge with chopped pineapple, mini peaches and a kiwi fruit.
I put the washing on at 7:15 so it will be hung on the line shortly, as it the wash cycle has now finished.
This Hypericum caught my eye on my usual wander up the garden earlier.
Hardly a cloud in the sky right now, aside from aircraft contrails.
It’s noisy outside as work is being done at the school opposite. Two large skips arrived the first weekend of the school 6 week break. They are having to put three temporary classroom blocks (portacabins probably) into the school grounds. Each one will have two classes. Apparently the roof needs repairing!
It isn’t that old as new buildings go, but has already had loads of problems.
We’re going see Bobbie this afternoon, as I have an appointment on Thursday.
PS update on the school roof! And I quote:
“ To minimise disruption to the education of the pupils , the majority of the work will be carried on in the evenings, weekends and school holidays, with completion in August 2025!” The whole project will cost £3 million!
Bang goes any chance of peace in the garden at the weekends on sunny days in our road!

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