BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Sunday ...............

 .................. Surprise!!!

We ordered some plants/bulbs online a while ago (probably won't bother with THAT again) and we got three 'free' lilies - two have come up white and the third this purpley chocolate colour  -  wouldn't have chosen it myself but it's very pretty.

In other news, I have been mosquitoed - my right wrist is so badly swollen that you can't see the ulna at all and my left upper arm has a red itchy circle, almost the size of a tennis ball.   
Antihistamines have been consumed (and make me drowsy) and medicated soap has been used in the shower last night and this morning .......... the bites are both still very itchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a magnet for nibbley things!!!!!!!!!

~ Anni ~

This is Sunday uploaded on Monday morning.

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