
By TheOttawacker

A busy day not without incident

A lot of today was spent in the car, which was a pity, because it was a glorious day weatherwise.  Mrs. Ottawacker called from Sundridge to say she had had to accompany her brother into hospital overnight – and wasn’t sure how long she would have to stay there (they had travelled down in his car). Over the course of the day, the prognosis improved rapidly, and he was discharge before noon, which meant they could drive back to Ottawa in the end, as planned.
After that, there was time for a quick breakfast in the garden, before Ottawacker Jr. and I took SparseRunner to the station. A great visit, and I hope it won’t be too long before I see him again. Having watched his head disappearing into the bowels of the station, I took Ottawacker Jr. to a birthday party at LaserMaxx, (my vision of hell, see extra) and then went home again to catch up on some work. Then I went to pick him up again around 12:30, and went to do some shopping so we could have a meal ready for Mrs. Ottawacker’s return.
In the afternoon, I took Ottawacker Jr. to his double practice (goalkeeping session, then team training), then drove up to Kanata to pick up Mrs. Ottawacker and briefly see how John, her brother, was doing, then we drove back to Ottawa, went to check that Ottawacker Jr. had managed to negotiate the change in field safely en route, drove back home, emptied the car, and then starting preparing dinner. Mrs. Ottawacker went to pick up the midget, while I finished off the quiche.
After Ottawacker Jr. had been disinfected – a day of sweating in 30º-plus heat makes for a rancid child – we had dinner, looked at each other, gave a communal “sod it” and collapsed into the chairs surrounding the television to watch some coverage of the Olympics.
Found out from SparseRunner that his train had stayed in Ottawa’s station for 75 minutes. Honestly, Via Rail has possibly three lines – how can its trains be consistently late? It’s like they are run by the oil industry or something. He made his flight, but seriously, unreliable transport alternatives are among the issues this country urgently needs to resolve.

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