
By TheOttawacker

Fizzling out

I honestly did begin the day with the best of intentions and even managed to spend the morning gainfully employed. Sadly, it was writing web postings for the company in New Zealand, so by the time noon came, I was ready for the napping chair. My hips are really bad today too – I think I walked too much (even though it was basically nothing) over the weekend. I cancelled my visit to the dominatrix/personal trainer (without waiting for the reproving return message – “you call that pain? My people are sleeping in the streets”) and so at least can give my body time to return to a somewhat normal equilibrium. Obviously, those qualifying words should be taken with a grain of salt.
Mrs. Ottawacker’s brother appears to be doing well enough: he has an appointment on Wednesday but hasn’t had any recurrence of the searing groin pain. When I spoke to him last night, I asked him whether, given his advanced years, he might simply have had an erection and forgotten what it was like: he wasn’t impressed. I took it as a “no”.

Even the photo from this blip is a re-steal from the weekend: hopeless, I am. By the evening, I had done the laundry and cooked “chiksemad”, which is the same as the Danish “biksemad”, but with chicken. I suppose you can have “piksemad” with pork; “fiksemad” with fish; and, “liksemad” with lamb. Ottawacker Jr. asked what that would be if we ate deer. Anyway, a reasonably good way of getting rid of leftovers and making Ottawacker Jr. ingest a vegetable or two. The evening was spent playing Yahtzee until I couldn’t cope with losing any more and acquiesced for a bit of Olympic watching.
I realize I haven’t mentioned the Great Scandal of 2024: no, not that, I’m talking about the Canadian national women’s team flying a drone over the New Zealand practice. Well really. When all is said and done, I can’t really get too upset about it. Is there a difference between getting a head’s up on tactics and corrupting the entire English sports system with 115 counts of fraudulent cheating? Or taking out a team’s best player at the knee? Or buying referees with lavish gifts and all-expenses paid trips to warm-weather places? Of course there is: apparently, flying a drone is worse (possibly up there with supporting the Palestinians) and FIFA must be seen to act immediately. Everything else can be let slide. Besides, it’s New Zealand’s soccer team. How many tactics do they actually have? Exactly.

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