I Witness

By KangaZu

Mono Monday: Week 549 ...

... Spikey.

Meet Spike ... named in honor of today's Mono Monday theme!  And, no you aren't seeing things (literally!) ... this sweet chipmunk is missing most of his tail!  What's left of it is rather spikey, don't you think!  Thanks to JacZero for hosting Mono Monday all this month.  It's always nice to have new blood hosts for this and all the other challenges. (I don't always name the chipmunks that come around.  But I'm making an exception as the name truly fits!)

Unfortunately we had to go appliance shopping this afternoon as my washing machine gave up the ghost this morning.  We have had it some number of years so it was only a matter of time anyway.  But it's an expense I really wasn't prepared for.  

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