By the roadside

I purposefully didn't drink any alcohol at the BBQ yesterday as I had a long run planned for today. I really hoped it would be overcast like it was yesterday afternoon, but no such luck!

It was, however, cooler than its been the last week. It was only 20 degrees! I ran 16 miles (thats just shy of 26km) up to Prestonpans and back and it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I felt like I was dying about halfway, but once I properly acclimatised it was ok. I even sped up in the last mile!

This was a quick shot taken by the roadside, just opposite the Prestongrange Industrial Heritage Museum (and just before the turning point). I was quite taken by the little wilderness and the quite striking colours. It was the only picture I took on the run, I thought if I stopped, I might not start again!!

Today's run: 16 miles
July running mileage: 50 miles
2013 running mileage: 598 miles

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