Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Middletown Day 3

We woke up to 19° and rain today - What's going on, Edinburgh was warmer!
It was good though to have a quiet day at home in the morning then a wander around the town in the afternoon. This crossing is in the centre of Main Street.
I enjoyed having a wander around a couple of supermarkets and had my first American burger in Main St Perk. It was delicious.
After lunch we popped along to a Goodwill store - what an extraordinary place! I resisted temptation, hard when the boots in the extra were on offer for only $10 - Sequins and all! Not sure there would have been room in my suitcase though. A couple of young girls were having great fun trying on some of the more exotic items.
When we came back, as promised, I made a batch of shortbread. It's interesting using different ingredients and a strange oven. It seems to have turned out ok though.
Tomorrow we all head off to New York, what excitement.

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