South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Climbing pinkness

This photo was taken to the accompaniment of a lot of shouting from the field at the back of us where a big event is taking place today - lots of mini football matches and games etc. Absolute chaos in the roads around here today as there's very little available roadside parking in the village. Although some local fields have been opened for parking I think some folk think a few hundred yards is too far to walk....!

These lovely pink flowers are growing up one of my favourite plants in the garden - a big white heather bush. It flowers in the winter and through the spring and, when the sun is out, smells divine.

Hubby and I are going out to a special church service this evening where people who have worked in North Korea are giving a talk. Should be interesting I think, just hope it's not too hot in the building as it's really warming up this afternoon. There's a nice cool breeze coming in when indoors here, so I think that's where I will stay this afternoon, away from the worst of the noise...

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