
By Memories4Me

Give me some privacy!

Yesterday was brutal.  The surgeon said the 2.5 hour procedure went very well but things went a bit down hill from there.  The nerve block that was to keep me relatively pain free for 20 hours kicked off at 7 and my pain level went from a 2 to a 9 in a matter of minutes.  Bring on the high test drugs!  But using them made my blood pressure plummet, 103/55 last time they checked.  The pain, the noise (hospitals, even at night, are really noisy) and the inability to move my leg made sleep impossible so I am writing this at 5am.  I will see my surgeon early this morning and I will be getting up and moving, finally.  OT and PT will follow and hopefully I can go home later this afternoon.  (I told you to prepare yourself for some boring photos. These are the privacy curtains in my hospital room. Extra of  my leg, maybe not s boring.)

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