
By Teasel

Summer At Last

It was a lovely morning and I was awake early, so read my book in the sun.  The lovely morning became a lovely summer’s day.  I went out for a run, rather too late in the morning as it was so hot, and managed around six miles.  Another very slow run though – in the heat.  I was seeking out the shaded side of the roads to avoid the sun where I could.
After lunch, TT and I headed for a walk at John Muir Country Park.  We hardly met a soul.  We guess everyone must have been on the beach.  It was such a lovely walk, on a lovely afternoon.  TT ate his first brambles of the year, but declared them incredibly sour.  I resisted!  We enjoyed a drink in the garden when we got home, then I was on tea.  I had had a plan which was foiled as I couldn’t get any fennel.  I had to make something else instead, so it was roasted salmon and roasted veg.  BB was at R’s, and didn’t’[t appear home till much later, but he was looking for food when he got back, and complimented me on my cooking!!
Later we facetimed TT’s mum, and then had a quiet evening.
This is a view towards the Hopeton Monument from our walk this afternoon.

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