
By Teasel

Hover Flies

It’s been a rather quiet day for us.  BB was working, so wasn’t around.  Neither TT nor I were feeling 100%.  I really hope we are not coming down with another lurgy. 
After a quiet morning, in which I dipped in and out of Saturday Kitchen, I popped out for some fresh air and to pick up a newspaper and a few bits and pieces.  I made lunch when I got back home and we ate in the garden. 
Later in the afternoon I popped out for a walk around our local circuit – it was a bit of a yomp, as I had to get back in time to go and pick BB up from work. 
TT was on tea tonight – his first courgette and prawn curry of the summer, made with home-grown courgettes.  It was yummy.
We had a quiet evening, as we were both feeling very weary again.  The boys were watching rugby.
These hoverflies were in St Mary’s Pleasance earlier today.

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