
By Veronica

Where am I?

Stopped at the service area to take the obligatory photo of the Millau viaduct. I don’t think I’ve ever been over it before, although I do remember seeing it from the valley not long after it opened. It’s even more impressive from there. What a beautiful structure.

It was stiflingly hot by 10 a.m. at home. I went for a longer swim than usual (water:28C, barely refreshing at all) before setting off on the long drive to Murat. All but about 30 km on autoroutes, and the landscapes the A75 passes through are spectacular. It was over 35C for the whole journey, until I arrived in Murat, where there was a tropical downpour. I flopped in my cheap and cheerful hotel room until the rain stopped and the sun came out, at which point I walked into town to eat in one of the dozen restaurants. Basic, but good value. Afterwards a short stroll round the town centre — there are some rather fine buildings to be blipped.

And tomorrow I’m off on a little adventure. Meanwhile S is on a big adventure, doing the Tour du Valier in the Pyrenees.

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