Biker Babe

I've been seeing another man, while Mr A has been away gasp!!!.
His name is John and he has helped me pass both my driving theory test (I said in a previous blip I needed to refresh my memory of the Highway Code!) and today, my CBT.
This has been weeks in the planning as I wanted to do it primarily as a distraction while Mr A is away and I have to say I couldn't have found a better instructor than John. Other than his sidekick (also called John!!!)
I initially planned all of Mr A's weekends away for lessons, with the view to sitting my bike test at the end of the month, but it has been waaaaaaaaaay harder than I anticipated. I feel like I've been run over and my arms are like Popeye's now from putting the bike on and off the stand.
For now I'm happy to have done this and with a bit of luck, I may get a little run around so I can build on what I've learned so far before I take the plunge with the tests.
Mr A rang me just as I'd finished the ride this afternoon, so I confessed my duplicity. He's said about me learning to ride a few times and I've pooh pooed the idea, knowing full well what was planned. I think it's fair to say he was shocked (in a good way) as I don't think he thought it was something I'd ever do, let alone under my own steam.
The things I do for love.....!

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