
By Missycat

It's (a very hot) Tiny Tuesday!

Today V didn't wake up until 10 am -  a mixture of heat and sleeping in like a teenager!.  We spent the morning mostly indoors, but with the doors open, while Mr MC busied himself getting ready for a golfing day, leaving at around 11.30am.  Our visitor cat, named 'Fred by V, called in for his morning Dreamies then after lunch, when there was some shade, we ventured outside.
This evening we had fish and chips (all oven cooked) as Mr MC would be having fish and chips as his post golf dinner and Violet declared that the meal was better even than egg and baked beans!
My main pic is of a bee working one of the hardy geraniums and in Extras are a pic of our outdoor thermometer and one of V with Fred in our kitchen.  Many thanks to Isbi for hosting TT this month.

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