For the family

By RonaMac

A bit worse for wear

The view of the manikin in yesterday’s blip was more flattering than this one. This is the grotty side. It comprises of 8 pieces and had the ability to be adjusted in size and length, so as to be flexible in size. Those white disk things no longer work and the covering on the metal form is peeling off. S did try to repair it for me when we were in Lincoln but the plastic is brittle and snaps. We brought it with us, as I thought that we could fix it at one size, but it’s all over the place. 

I cannot complain as I’ve had it for about 40 years and it has been well used. The ability to adjust has been so valuable. It’s not safe to use it now, not even to drape fabric over, in case it damages the fabric. 

A busy day. Over to Rowley Hall Hospital for B to have blood tests in preparation for an investigation next week. It took all of 10 minutes to get it done, a long way to go. 

On the way back we found another interesting coffee shop, collected my tablets from the surgery and bought some shoulder lamb cutlets from our butchers that are delicious cooked in the crockpot. 

The rest of the afternoon has been spent in the garden, rain is forecast for tonight so the things needing moving whilst dry got the attention. 

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