The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Rhosilli Bay day two

I was up at 6.15 today and decided to sit in the field and try a bit of blipping. Kept losing my connection, so that wasn't too successful. Sitting in a field in silence, listening to sheep bleating, was very rewarding, though. 

After breakfast, we drove to Rhosilli. The day was overcast but hot. Our plan to walk to Worm's Head, the tidal island, was thwarted by the tide being too high (we'd missed it) so we walked down to beach (above) and K inflated her paddle board and we went to play in the waves. I felt I needed a body board. The paddle board is so big! Then I lay down to read, we had some lunch, and K announced that she was going to paddle board to the far end of the beach. It's 3 miles long. 
This alarmed me, but I know better than to say anything, so off she went, and I occasionally spotted her through the binoculars, and she seemed all right. I hadn't actually seen her get on the board since the day she got it, and we reckon that that was three years ago! 

Literally hours later she returned. She'd made it to the far end, with the surfers and chalets. After a while I walked up to the top of the cliff again, but the Italian ice cream place had closed. Tomorrow...

We drove to the village of Scurlage, to get some comestibles, and decided on salad, but K opted for fish and chips instead, as there was a chippie. I had a BLT at the campsite. Then we played music and lay in the sun until it was time to make the great trek up to the shower block. I accidentally rang my friend V at some point, and she seemed in fine spirits. It's dark now, so I'll probably get into my sleeping bag soon and carry on reading by my head torch. I've really enjoyed my low-activity  (for m) eday today. . Most therapeutic. 

(Oh, and my knees look like raspberries. Red a mottled. Not a great sun-kissed look, but I might put a selfie in extras, not of my knees !)

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