
By Grammy

Naked Lady (blush)

We had a busy day. Woke up at 4:00 and believe it or not, while reading my news feed, there was an article about why people wake up so early. I am the queen of to do lists so that won’t help. Anyway, I picked tomatoes, got this photo of my naked lady and ate breakfast. This is the first year they have bloomed. Sure hope they multiply. After showers, Hubby and I headed to a special Mass to honor St. Ignatius Loyola. Today is his feast day. It was held in the oldest Roman Catholic church in our state. It is only used for special occasions. Hubby had knights’ duty. From there, we visited my mother. I took her homemade lasagna for lunch and brought shrimp salad for hubby and me. Momma will not touch shrimp. She thoroughly enjoyed her lunch and asked if she could keep the rest of it. She still has somewhat of an ant problem but it is much better. Hubby distributed granules around the outside of her house and installed outdoor ant preventative stakes. I checked cabinets, put the rest of her food away, cleaned and scrubbed where it needed it. We shopped for Shadow’s kitty food and a few groceries. After putting the cold food away, we visited the kitty and she displayed her beastly side - left bloody teeth marks on my thumb. Guess she was tired of my pats. I have to cook corn and make mashed potatoes to go with the rotisserie chicken and dinner will be complete. Hope your meal prep was as simple. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by.
“What a wonderful discovery!
what a marvelous surprise!
there they were ~ 12 Naked Ladies
dancing right before my eyes!
 Found them hiding in the Iris,
long green blades gave them their skirts,
each one bolder than the next one,
they were shameless, carefree flirts!
Cause although they look exotic,
they still flourish without care,
what delight to see their faces,
Naked Ladies, hiding there.” - Connie Hinnen Cook

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