
By Grammy

Nothing But Blue Skies

Hubby had an early appointment with an orthopedic doctor about his right knee. Turns out, all the x-ray and exam showed was arthritis. That’s good news. I did laundry and general housework. Before it got too hot, I went out just long enough to snap this pic. My sister gave me two spider flower plants that I put in the front bed around our well cap. They are quite showy against this intense blue sky. Hubby cut the grass in the formal garden but then came inside. It’s 92°F with a heat index of 102°F and high humidity. Last night’s storm with torrential rains did not help get rid of the heat wave. We’ve stayed indoors the rest of the day and only plan to go out long enough for a quick visit to Shadow. Otherwise, it’s Kindle time. Hope you had clear blue skies today also. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit.
“This morning, the sun endures past dawn. I realize that it is August: the summer’s last stand.” - Sara Bayne

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