Kendall is here

By kendallishere

This is what 98, going on 54, looks like

Margie: Do you know when my boys are coming to see me?

Kendall: I think they’re both coming for your birthday in September.

M: How old am I?

K: You’ll be 98. 

M: Oh no! Really? I don’t feel that old! 

K: How old do you feel?

M: Fifty-four. 

K: Really? What does fifty-four look like? Wait, let me get the camera out of the bag. (Pause.) Now.

M: What was the question?

K: What does fifty-four look like?

M: Like this. Like perfection. Top of your game. Like everything you ever waited for, here it is. This is who you are. 

Note: Please see yesterday’s blip for an explanation of why comments are still off. And for my thanks.

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