Globe thistle
A bee magnet! The globe thistle is just starting to show some color and the bees are loving it.
The crew was being watched again today. I got them started on a job this morning, weeding a small garden area and prepping another area for a gravel pathway. I left to pick up the mulch and the compactor that I had rented. When I came back one of the neighbors came over to talk to me. He wants me to give him a price on doing some work in his back yard. He was impressed with the students.
After the gardens were cleaned up and the gravel was delivered I took some of the crew with me to another small weeding job and left the remaining crew with A to finish the pathway. A friend of mine had a small area in front of her house that was full of weeds. It was more than what she wanted to tackle herself, and her daughter and SIL don't have the time to do it. In the fall I will plant a couple of shrubs there to give it a bit more curb appeal.
I did no real work today, other than go pick up supplies, drive the truck to the dump and the rest of the day was spent supervising.
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