Big Hill

By bighill

my crazy friend....

Jane, who is just the best....spent a few hours with me in the studio transforming it to accommodate my paintings....she is so full of energy and enthusiasm, and me feeling a bit lower in energy.....we had a lot of fun putting things she is after we got the fabric up to create the illusion of a wall!!!

see me in the extra for a very half assed attempt at copying Jane's energy :P

We had a swim and then she headed home and i had an absolutely wonderful nap.   Then Mary Jane came by and we talked about planning what we will offer in the way of food on the opening evening of my show....she is just amazing, and is taking care of all the food stuff, and she is doing it with creativity!!!  This is definitely an event that depends on the help and love of my friends, i couldn't being doing it without them!!!

Dinner out with Terry for the first time in many weeks....and then some Olympics - wow it is so amazing to watch what those folks do with their bodies!!!

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