Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


…the only “busy bee” today!

I popped out into the garden before I went to the Community Fridge this morning and spotted this industrious white tailed bumblebee - or Bombus Lucorum, to give it its proper name - having a great time on our Verbena bonariensis.

The Community Fridge was extremely busy and you might be surprised to hear I didn’t take a single photograph there - we were too busy!

I did chat to lots of people, which was very enjoyable and although it was very hot, everyone was in good spirits. Not only did we have coffee and/or tea with cake, but there was also a choice of fruit smoothies, strawberries and cream, or buttered toast, which all went down well.

However, it wasn’t all chat - I had a “good go” at the stainless steel sink, which looked better afterwards and then we had to sort out the various bags of food waste, recycling and general waste before we left.

A good morning’s work by all the volunteers and we know how much our customers enjoy coming. For many of them, though, it’s not the five free items they choose, but the conversations they have whilst waiting in the queue, with the various volunteers as they go round and then in the café - and it’s not just me saying that, but what they said in a recent survey that was done!

I’m sitting underneath our carport, listening to the thunder, watching the rain dapping down and enjoying the fresh smell - long may it continue! At least it means that Mr HCB won’t have to water the plants this evening!

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