
By biddy

Moroccan Aubergine flatbread. August arrives.

Roasted harissa aubergine with smoky aubergine hummus, spiced cherry tomatoes, avocado, pomegranate seeds, crispy chick peas and mint and garlic sauce.
It was very yummy!
The day started off with a thunderstorm and torrential downpour just before breakfast.
Stephen then took me to Solihull via the M42. The road to the motorway had a section with a great pool of water, which had to be negotiated very slowly.
It was beginning to clear as we got on to the busy section past the exit for Birmingham Airport and the N.E:C. As we approached our turn off the sun was shining and there had been no rain whatsoever.
I was going to a clinic for some X-rays, or imaging as it is now known.
I had to be there for 9:30am, which meant an early start to take account of the heavy early morning traffic.
I had several X-rays of my hips, spine, and general pelvic areas.
The radiographer showed them to me. It was fascinating.Now I wait to see what the next step should be; depending on what the consultant decides.
But I was really encouraged when the radiographer told me I was a very fit person.-( Not in the other sense of the word.!)
I told him I went to Pilates and was doing daily exercises on my mat, which were given to me by a Physiotherapist at our local cottage hospital a couple of years back after the GP referred me there due to similar pain issues.
Only this time the pain keeps me awake often at night now.
We were home by lunchtime.
I was then at the hairdressers after lunch and as our oven fan had been playing up someone was coming out to see it before 5:00pm, we haven’t been able do any cooking for a few days.
We had salad at lunchtime.
Once back from my hair appointment I dead headed some more roses which had been made soggy by the heavy downpour this morning.
The very helpful man arrived at 4:50pm and our oven is now fine once more.
We decided to go up to our local shopping centre at teatime and have our meal in the Renato Lounge there.
So my blip is the tasty treat which we both very much enjoyed.
I will be having an early night, hopefully!
I was still awake at 3:00am today which was a combination of the accumulated day’s heat and trying to find a comfortable position!
I’m behind with your blips and comments but will catch up at some point!

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