
By mambo

Go West

August the 1st is Yorkshire Day but Rebecca and l sped over the border to Lancashire.
We had promised to have this day together and to try and go to the coast.

Verity and Kitty have intensives at Northern Ballet all week and Ruby had her friend M staying so it was just me and my daughter and of course Ronnie.

Wet and dull morning as l left home to drive to Skipton.
Weather forecast predicted better weather on the west coast so Formby Sands it was.
Such a wide expanse of beautiful golden sand, it was easy to walk a while and find a quiet spot.
Two chairs and a five star picnic.
We had seen the picnic deals at Betty’s yesterday: £15 per head and taking inspiration from their menu Rebecca had created a fabulous spread, 
Sandwiches with the crusts cut off, mini quiche, crudités and a buratta and roast tomato salad with pesto. 
Then Betty’s gingerbread, shortbread and fruit cake which she had been gifted by some pupils at the end of term ( so we did bring a little bit of Yorkshire with us) just tiny mouthfuls so we could enjoy all three.

We both agreed on the old adage: when the weather is as good as this in the U.K. there is no need to go abroad.
A day to remember.

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