Daniel Owen

By DanielJOwen

Home visit

All the while we've been having our house rebuilt, and have been displaced from it, the boy has been acting like he thinks it's all an exciting, big adventure. Today, he finally admitted that it was upsetting him to be living out of the house, and he missed his room and his things. Since his room is one of the few that are completely unaffected by the building work, we went into the house and let him wander around the empty half-built rooms and then get some quality time in his own room, playing with the toys he hasn't seen for two weeks. As you can see, he appreciated it.

My ankle was fine this morning, so I was able to finish mowing the lawn, do another load of laundry and slow-cook a seriously delicious beef stew. Mrs O made strawberry ice cream and we also re-assembled the boy's play-house in the garden. By our standards, a successful day.

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