My day

By 59

Flower Friday

This lovely card came in the mail from the volunteers at Miss Traill’s House and Garden (National Trust). I think they want me back! Ha ha. 

I had a pretty good day, first I did some baking as I was out of goodies in the freezer. Had phone calls from my SIL and cousin and visits from Isbi, isbiJG, Maddy and Nina. AND I did 10 whole minutes in the garden. Oh boy that felt good. I decided to set the timer to remind me to stop after 5 minutes but after a stretch did another 5. As a long time gardener I would have found this a bit silly in the past when I could happily spend all day out there but this year has severely curtailed my endeavours. The garden is a bit of a mess but if I keep this up I might finish by next year. 

We have finally worked out how to watch the Olympics. I went to the correct channel but nothing would come through. Bob has researched the problem and found as it wasn’t in “favourites” it wouldn’t let us in. We don’t usually watch that channel obviously. 

When the family was here Maddy said she had a school project on researching someone in the First World War and was anyone in the family there. Well that set up a spirited conversation where we all learned something. Sometimes school projects are great.  

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