
By CarolineJay


At last I've filled in all my backblips. The birds in this were far closer than the turbines and wouldn't have been affected by them at all.

All disgusted by the mindless morons who caused so much trouble in part of the town on Wednesday night. Unfortunately not all of them were outsiders, we do have plenty of nasty people here but vastly outnumbered by good and decent ones who turned out in the morning to help clear up the damage and donate money to the businesses and property owners who had been affected. A lot of money was also collected and donated to the mosque (which does a huge amount of charitable work for the local community and for Veterans' charities) and they promptly passed it on to other people who'd been adversely affected. I felt as I was shopping and out walking that people were being extra-friendly, smiley and helpful as though to prove that this is a good place (and perhaps thinking that there might be Press about looking for evidence to the contrary).

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