talloplanic views

By Arell

Phestival Phringe Phriday

My get up and go was ebbing away as fast as my last day of annual leave but I got up and got myself together and went.  I cycled into town, first to get the programme for this year's Edinburgh Festival Fringe.  I fancy some music, perhaps, maybe a bit of theatre, as it's been a few years since I went to any of either.  The High Street was rammed.  Just near the box office is a trio of K6 telephone boxes, and our Lion Foundry one has been festivalbombed to within an inch of its tired red paintwork! 

I don't know what Dirt Bag is all about but it must be good because they've stuck up three posters for it.

Then it was down to John Lewis to get away from the crowds look for birthday presents for Boy Wonder.  I didn't find anything I thought suitable, although I did see something that might do for his Christmas.  I popped into another shop to get a birthday card, and found a present there, so with some relief I'm all sorted.  I was hungering for some lunch by then but only had a cereal bar with me, so ate that while sitting in St Andrew Square and flicking through the Fringe programme.

I could've gone to Cameron Toll for no reason other than it was there but in the end I just rode home into a stonking headwind and a bit of rain, getting home completely tired out.  I bought a wee curry pie from the local shop for a very late lunch, and it was ace.

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