For the family

By RonaMac

Well I never!

Had an ECG this morning at the surgery, no irregularities, so everyone’s happy.

This afternoon we had a visit from the builder’s trouble shooter ( not sure what her correct title is?) and a chap from the ground works team. We are experiencing problems with our lawn which is on a slope, runs with water and is boggy. We thought that it was due to the top soil being clay. 

Well this soil that you can see in the picture is not clay according to the ‘expert’. I rest my case, I don’t have the energy to argue. They have agreed to do something to reduce my problem. 
I watered the garden this evening as the pots were in great need. It’s normally B’s responsibility, so it wasn’t surprising that I managed to soak myself twice when the hose blew off the sprayer. I uttered very unladylike words, which I hope weren’t heard by the neighbours as windows are open in this very hot weather. 

On a more interesting note, I’ve added an extra, a ‘boy’s toy’ creation 3D printed by S for B. It’s great fun to play with as the join up and separate in unexpected ways. I haven’t done justice to it in this picture. 

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