
By LesTension


It's Flower Friday and today's offering is a Crown-of-Thorns plant (Euphorbia milii) and is native to the island of Madagascar.  It is believed to be the "crown" placed on Christ's head as he was crucified and therefore was believed to be introduced to the Middle East in ancient times.
Back Blip Photographed at the Mitchel Park Conservatory in Milwaukee.  If you've been following me the last couple of days you'll know that the ELW (Ever Lovin' Woman) is in the ER with serious abdominal pains and they've been trying to sort it out....so I've not had any time for the last 3 days to do any shooting.
She's having a diagnostic test as I type this.  They're concentrating on the Gall Bladder which I diagnosed as the problem 2 days ago. Ya'see....I've been there...done that!  Most debilitating pain I've ever been in and immediately...and I mean immediately...after the surgery to remove a gangrenous gall bladder I was pain free.  It was instantaneous.
Today's test will likely confirm the diagnosis and tomorrow we will know if surgery will be advised.  Cross your fingers......toes too if you are able.  lol

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