
By Grammy

Dwarf Morning Glories

What a lazy day I’ve had. I picked tomatoes this morning before the excessive heat set in. The large yellow ones are ripening now. Some of the others are turning color so we will be overwhelmed soon. I doubt we’ll get a bushel at a time like my green thumbed sister. We both have six plants; I have more grape sized varieties than her. My only other job was washing a few dishes. I went to Kim’s to spend time with Shadow. She was loving today. These gorgeous tiny blue blooms are in Kim’s front garden. I plan to add some here next summer. Not sure where she found them. Her family will be home tomorrow; planning to shop for school clothes at the outlets first. Hubby bought a hand dolly to use to get our camper in the driveway. He took it to my mother’s to test out the usability today. I am concerned that our driveway and the road before it are quite steep. Our neighbor’s large brick home is at the very end; didn’t want the camper to roll into it uncontrollably. Hubby has requested that I not be home when he brings it in the first time. I am an extremely nervous person and he thinks my BP will go too high worrying. He admitted he had a few lessons learned during the trial run. He picked up our meds and stopped to get our lunch. I got back home just in time to enjoy a juicy burger and broccoli from Green Turtle. No dinner needed here tonight. We napped this afternoon for hours. It’s the weekend again. Hope you have some plans for fun. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. "I want to start my day with the earnestness of the morning glory, the way its blossoms open with the sunrise, ready to shine no matter what". - Sarah Jio

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