
By TonyG

Late Night Steam

Late shift at work! 

I was running Aber Cafe from six til midnight on the first day of our Late Night Steam weekend.  The weather did not play ball!   No sunset special tonight although tomorrow promises better.   The trains were not particularly busy but busy enough for me working on my own.  As many of the travellers were friends and fellow volunteers, I could have got help if I needed it.  As it was it all went very smoothly.  We're doing it all again tomorrow and I suspect it will be busier so I might try and line up one or two friends to help out for a few minutes when the trains arrive.

Otherwise, a quiet recovery day after a hectic week.   C and I walked the Megs late morning, I did some odd jobs at home this afternoon.  Tomorrow, I do it all again!

Above the first train arrives at 645, the second train about to depart at 930 and the last train arriving at 1035.  Spot the rain lit up in the engine's headlamp!

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