
By tridral

Newid sydd i'w groesawu

Newid sydd i'w groesawu ~ A welcome change

“... it is often extremely difficult to make adequate provisions for pedestrians*. Yet this must be done, because pedestrians are the lifeblood of our urban areas, especially in the downtown and other retail areas. In general, the most successful shopping sections are those that provide the most comfort and pleasure for pedestrians.”
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
[* and cyclists me]

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Yn gyffredinol rydw i wedi bod yn feirniadol o newidion yn y pentref a'r pethau rydyn ni wedi colli dros y blynyddoedd. Ond dyma newid sy'n gwneud i mi hapus iawn - mae 'Iechyd Da ' yn symud i eiddo mwy yn fuan.

Dydd Sadwrn diweddaf tynnais i ffotograff o'r hen siop optegwyr, ond heddiw mae arwydd siop newydd i fyny ac mae'r ffitwyr y siop yn gweithio'n galed.

Rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at weld y siop newydd. Rydw i'n hoffi yn arbennig bod y siop newydd yn dod gyda raciau beiciau. Cyfleus iawn.

Llongyfarchiadau i Alwen a chriw am lywio llong 'Iechyd Da' i fyny'r stryd i'r porthladd newydd.

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In general I have been critical of changes in the village and the things we have lost over the years. But this is a change that makes me very happy - 'Iechyd Da' is moving to bigger premises soon.

Last Saturday I took a photograph of the old opticians shop, but today a new shop sign is up and the shop fitters are hard at work.

I'm looking forward to seeing the new store. I especially like that the new shop comes with bike racks. Very convenient.

Congratulations to Alwen and crew for steering the 'Iechyd Da' ship up the street to the new port.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Datblygu y siop newydd 'Iechyd Da'
Description (English): Development of the new ‘Iechyd Da’ shop

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