
By MerrilHope

Good day

Our morning walk was along the sea front where as usual, Rufus made some friends although I was surprised at how few people were about.  He seems to be fine until you go anywhere near his tail at which point he growls a warning - my beautiful sweet boy can growl - who knew?  

Late morning Robin and I went back to the sea front to swim in the Aegean. By then the water was noticeably more choppy with the breeze, but Robin still swam a bit while hung closer to the in and out ramp!  After our swim we sat in partial shade for a while. It was lovely, very few people around, playful breeze and, well, perfect really.

An afternoon at home, Olympics on BBC1 while I did some chores and cooled off with pool time until around 18.30 when Dan and Anita arrived. After the mandatory tour of my villa when someone comes for the first time, and with as many compliments as I could wish for, we all sat on the front patio with a glass of wine and nibbles for an hour before heading off down to the beach, again, for dinner at Pasa restaurant. Rufus loves it there. He works the crowd of other diners getting much petting and comments of 'good boy'. Particularly one little girl was in love - I think it was mutual.  Meanwhile, Robin, Dan, Anita and I had another good evening of chat - though Pasa's food isn't as good as Anita's was on Thursday evening.  Dan and Anita return to Sweden on Monday - so won't see them again for a while. 

What little was left of the even ning once home was spent watching the olympics. Exciting stuff. 

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