
By biddy

Our garden resident frog.

He lives under the patio step which is just outside the patio window. Amazing how he can slide down between the paving slabs.
It’s weird watching him go back head first with his back legs waving in the air as he disappears!
I was watching him watching me for awhile before he decided he was going to move..
He likes the very large plant saucer which I keep filled with water all the time in the shadiest corner of the bottom patio, where it hardly gets any sunshine except in high summer.
Even then the big ferns and sedum overhang the low border wall and shade it.
We also have a couple of smaller frogs. Unfortunately I found one of them near the box hedge the other day, headless. So no idea who ate it!
I’ve been enjoying catching up on your blips. I know the news creeps into them now and again, but it does provide an escape from the horrors to look at your lovely variety of photos and read about someone else’s day.
We went to our Birmingham Vineyard church this morning as usual.
I’ve done some more deadheading of the roses and clipped a few plants this afternoon.
It’s almost time for tea.

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