In asynchronus mode..

By Mobius

Surrealist [sign]

Decided to now up my walking to aid my recovery (hopefully) and other usual reasons, so walked to the far end of our village to our fabulous completely bespoke county council cast iron ( or similar) sign. Most villages near us have one, but with designs highlighting their own features - so each sign is different. Good use of our village parish council money, though use of idle village trust funds would have been optimal.

Mrs M was keen to walk Enzo with me as was he to wait for me occasionally. Just over a mile at a bit more focussed pace, rather than getting too distracted etc.

It felt easily within my capacity; we'll see how my shoulders and other muscles feel tomorrow. As expected of my physiology my neck spasms /twitches worsened afterwards, so upped my anti spasm medication.

The change in muscle group usage (with crutches) caused my neck to spasm forwards, so I slowed a little and consciously relaxed and focused on controlling it, which helped. It reminded me of having to make a big effort for a number of weeks post my critical symptom episode; also reminded me that I should do it more often anyway.

Just over a mile in total...  

Very exciting and tactically unpredictable women's road race along probably the most iconic route ever around Paris. Very pleased to see an outsider (from the US) win it, given that GB couldn't.

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