
By Groggster

Keeping On Track For A Hollyhocks Signal Box

My brother has found an old Nikon film camera in our garage and as luck would have it a similarly vintage unused roll of black and white film (it must have been over 20 years old) and wanted to use this precious resource on something more diverting than our local surroundings (no disrespect intended - still love ya Aylesford!).
We settled on a trip back to Tenterden to visit its heritage railway station but, purely for fortification purposes you understand, we first stopped off at This Ancient Boro for a pint and to reacquaint ourselves with its delicious tapas.
Once suitably refreshed we strolled though the town and then down to the station itself. My main image is of the signal box which greets you as you arrive at the station gates and I just think it looked so utterly charming with the towering stems of the hollyhocks in the foreground.
The Kent and East Sussex Railway is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and providentially a stream train was actually at the platform when we arrived and I just managed to get a shot of the engine and driver (see first extra) before it set off with a trainful of happily anticipatory passengers. My second extra is of one of the station staff as he strode back along the platform to make preparations for their return. It really does feel like stepping back in time.

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