
By seizetheday

High Horse

Enjoyed a lovely lunch in Leeds with Tom, my son. First, we walked through Trinity Arcade - I'd never seen 'High Horse' before, so it has to be today's Blip. It's really quite impressive! 

Next stop was Livin Italy, where we sat outside and shared some delicious food, and indulged in a glass of wine. Whilst waiting for dessert my phone rang - it was the hospital, offering an appointment for an MRI scan tomorrow morning. Not sure whether to be pleased or alarmed at the rapidity of the appointment, it suddenly seemed a good idea to have another glass of wine...

A little later we walked up to the art gallery, where we browsed around for a while. It's years since I've been there, but the permanent exhibition is still much the same. Enjoyed 'Nothing lasts Forever', a retrospective of Peter Mitchell, a British documentary photographer. Some of the old photos of Leeds are fascinating.

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