
By LadyFindhorn


My Happy Place was a very wet Happy Place this morning as I walked to the slip for a swim. It seems not even rain deters these Selkies. Had the forecast on my phone not indicated a lessening of the rain for the exact 30minutes it would take me to meet, greet and swim, I was fully intending to wimp out. Nothing so daunting as seeing rain coursing down the window as did the water on the window of the old fashioned fish monger’s shop.
Anyway, off I set to discover the forecast was wrong. No matter, it was too late and I was committed. Actually, swimming in the rain was a really enjoyable experience and apart from my dry coat getting a soaking as it lay by chance in a gutter of water, all was good.

A quick turnaround back home and I was off like a cork out of a bottle to catch the bus to Kirkwall and Lidl. Would you believe the Street in Stromness was jammed with tourists from a cruise ship docked in Kirkwall and let loose from 8 buses parked at the harbour. It felt a bit like wading through humanity on GeorgeIV Bridge in Edinburgh. 
However the sun shone in Kirkwall and I took yet another blip of this iconic spot of colour in the main drag. You will most certainly recall that I tend to blip it annually- an easy blip on a busy day.

Shopping done and back in a less frenetic Stromness I was able to order from the library the book my book group are reading in my absence - The Way of all Flesh by Ambrose Parry. 

After lunch one of the Selkies came by for a cuppa and some craic which was lovely.  Day 3 done and dusted.


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